


By Jay Harris



Hello again to those clicking on and checking in!

Just by being here tells me that you are a survivor.

Here we are, what is it now? Let’s just say, for arguments sake, day 5 million of lockdown and frankly all of us are starting to feel it in one way or another.

I imagine sometimes, a view of the earth from high above and I can see billions upon billions of tiny little boxes, all of us representing a hive of activity in pixels, ‘zoom’ videos, desperately socialising, maintaining the thin shred of sanity by conversing in little zoom boxes the world over and how we continue to fight for survival, be it physically, or mentally, or indeed, a haphazard combination of the two!

Yes, I agree to an extent that possibly my sanity is all akimbo and I fear that I am not alone as each of us, in silent union, laugh, cry and fight to get through this.
Yet, lest we forget, before this waking nightmare of pandemic misery, we all fought with the same tenacity, though now we can actually blame and put a name to what our common struggle is.

If you really think about it, from the very beginning of our lives, we have consciously and subconsciously had to fight.

Life is a minefield, metaphorically speaking.

We want to become, we want to be… appreciated, admired, desired and loved.
We battle to be the best we can – be but with that notion come obstacles.
We have to engage in silly conflict, as a child with a sibling for a certain toy, for a better piece of candy or vying for a parents attention.
As a teenager, actually scrapping over a girl or boy, for dominance or heroic intentions.
As an adult, pitted against others for a job, for success, for money and a roof over our heads for survival.
Will we ever learn? Even social media is a bloodbath. Everyone has an opinion and each scroll can invite a comment that results in all-out war!




There is just no end in sight to the sheer monotonous grind in which each of us, for many different – or similar reasons, have our physical strength, or mental strength, put to the test daily.

And…. It is exhausting.
In our never-ending pursuit of happiness, life scars us. We carry scars, visible and sadly, invisible wounds, a pain or sadness that has cut so, so deep you feel that there is no escaping it. (But you can!).

Some people revel in the art of conflict whilst others beat it away with an invisible stick.
Like our beloved designer here, whose website I babble on each month given the opportunity, who practices with vigor the ancient self-defence teachings of Akido which translates into ‘a way of harmonising energy’, a Japanese combination of Jujitsu and Judo, she does rather well, in fact – excels at.

Fervent and disciplined, like everything that she does.
It really is tough to exist and the only way to beat it is to continually fight for your existence.




Now, in the ‘Don’t try this at home’ sense, I’m not saying that you should punch the next person who knocks on your door full on the nose, quite the opposite.

What I actually mean is to actually just BE!
Be yourself, be the best version of yourself. Put away those prejudices and discriminations, those jealous, petty squabbles.
Be kind, be daring.

Of course, judging by a purely sales perspective, I’d like you to start by opening your closet, sift through those drawers and rails and see what you wear, ask ‘how does it define you’ or represent your individuality?
Smart, casual and lounge wear? Is that really YOU?
Forget just smart or casual, think KNOCK OUT, STAND OUT, STUNNING.

I believe what I’m trying to say is that we all have defence wounds, we have all been hurt, damaged, attacked, but now, in day 5 million in lockdown , we ALL have time to reflect and truly look at ourselves, at who we are, how we would define us?
You can never really fully remove those physical or mental defence wounds – but you CAN heal them.
It doesn’t have to be confusing and conflicting, aggressive or anxiety ridden.
Be yourself, be kind, be beautiful and smile. Isn’t that easy?
Build a new you, one without anger, shame or bitterness.
Create a vision, use actions to endorse your product.
Say something kind to a stranger.
You are unique.







  • Ray
    Posted at 19:26h, 04 May

    Thanks for another inspirational blog Jay. I always finish reading with a smile and take away your words with a hopeful heart x

  • FlowersInTheAttic
    Posted at 20:03h, 04 May

    really liking these clothes so diverse this blog just rocks! Really put together well, a great read, enjoyed this

  • Clara89
    Posted at 16:05h, 06 May

    Brilliant blog! Images and writing is superb 👌🏽

  • Jay Harris
    Posted at 21:38h, 17 May

    Thank you.
    That’s exactly what we hope to accomplish.
    Whilst you have a heart there is always hope!
    We really appreciate you.